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Our Services

We Provide Best Documentation, Audit & Training Services


Welcome to NKB Inc. , where we specialize in providing comprehensive documentation services to support your project needs. Effective documentation is essential for ensuring compliance, enhancing communication, and achieving project success. Our expert team is dedicated to delivering high-quality, accurate, and timely documentation tailored to your specific requirements.


Audit procedures are the processes, techniques, and methods that auditors perform to obtain audit evidence which enables them to make a conclusion on the set audit objective and express their opinion.
Auditors normally prepare audit procedures at the planning stages once they identified audit objectives, audit scope, audit approach, and audit risks.
Auditors design audit procedures to detect all kinds of risks that they identified and ensuring that the required audit evidence is obtained sufficiently and appropriately.


Professional life is constantly changing as new technologies emerge, and the intentions and goals of those who work can change. Training and qualification are the keys to finding the right opportunities for full utilization of individual skills. We offer recognized and certified training courses as open classes to suit your needs with regard to your qualification requirements – individually, reliably and competently. The practical experience and comprehensive knowledge gathered by QAS over many years incorporated into our program of seminars and events.